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Landscape with three figures before a ruined temple

CAT 149 Parelle figures before ruins of temple jpg.jpg

CAT 149. Drawn and engraved by Pérelle. Landscape with three figures before ruined temple. Published by Drevet (cum Privilege). Paris: n.d. E. Barton Chapin Jr. Family Collection.

Here Pérelle has depicted three figures on a road, the ruins of a classical temple looming behind them. The figure in the center has wings. Standing to the left of the temple in the distant light are three more figures. Pérelle extends the bright lighting of the figures to the foliage in the foreground, only half eaten by the light of the sun. The trees in the grove on the left cross each other, as do those in Melville’s copy of Claude’s Landscape with Cephalus and Procris Reunited by Diana (CAT 130).

This is another image by Pérelle that was published by Le Blond as well as Drevet. The copy in the Dresden album book (no. 342, A 70532) differs from Melville’s copy only in the name of the publisher. This is another print whose subject would be highly suitable for Le Blond’s series of Paysages ornés de ruins et d’édifices antiques after Pérelle. Neither the ruins nor the edifice could be more prominent than they are here.