Browse by Melville's Writings

The titles of works by Melville referred to in Chapters 1, 2, or 3 on this site are presented alphabetically within each category below. Titles of novels and books of published poems are in italics. Titles of individual poems, short stories, or prose essays are in quotation marks. Billy Budd, Sailor and other uncompleted works appear at the end of the list. 

The name of each work by Melville is followed by the CAT number of each catalog entry which refers to that title. References to writings by Melville in the Introductions or Parting Thoughts in various sections will be indicated by adding the abbreviations INT or PT to the nearest CAT number (as in CAT 1 INT or CAT 5 PT). If a section has two Introductions or Parting Thoughts, the second is listed as INT 2 or PT2. 

The entries for CAT 1-69 are found in Chapter 1; the entries for CAT 70-120 are found in Chapter 2; the entries for CAT 121-184 are found in chapter 3.  

Because images within Melville's book collection have close associations with images in his print collection, we created our Melville Book Boxes feature to explore such relations. Book Box entries are numbered according to their sequence in the chapter to which they relate (as in MBB 1.2 or MBB 3.1).  

Each CAT number or MBB number after a Melville title below is linked to the CAT or MBB entry which refers to that title.