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Key to Collectors of Prints from Melville's Collection

AFC = Ambrose Family Collection

BA = Melville Memorial Room, Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield, MA

BCHS = Berkshire County Historical Society, Arrowhead, Pittsfield, MA

CAS = Catherine Ambrose Smith, VA

CCK = Cathe Chapin Kobacker (Catherine Gansevoort Chapin), OH

DM = David Metcalf, ME

EBC = E. Barton Chapin Jr. Family Collection

EBC1 = E. Barton Chapin, Jr., ME

EBC2 = E. Barton Chapin, III, ME

EMM = Eleanor Melville Metcalf (Eleanor Melville Thomas), MA

FO = Frances Osborne (Frances Cuthbert Thomas), NJ

JD = Mrs. John Durham (Amalia Thomas), London, UK

JMK = James Melville Kobacker, OH

JOT = Mrs. E. Barton Chapin (Jeannette Ogden Thomas), ME

KGT = Katharine Binnian (Katharine Gansevoort Thomas)

MC = Formerly Melville Chapin Collection, MA

MSA = Melville Society Archive, New Bedford Whaling Museum, MA

Mystic = Mystic Seaport Museum, Mystic, CT

OCSU = Osborne Collection at Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX

PA = Priscilla Ambrose (Frances Priscilla Osborne), VA

Reese = William Reese, New Haven, CT

SS = Samuel T. Sukel, Pittsfield, MA

TMC = Thomas Melville Chapin, ME

WA = William Ambrose, Jr., ME