(CAT 167) -- W. Cooke after Taillasson. Hero and Leander

CAT 167 W Cooke after Taillasson Hero and Leander BA 121.jpg

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(CAT 167) -- W. Cooke after Taillasson. Hero and Leander

CAT 167. William Cooke after [Jean-Joseph] Taillasson. [Hero and Leander. London: Vernor, Hood & Sharpe, 1808. Published in vol. 3 of the Historic Gallery, 1815.]

4 x 4 11/16 in. Outline engraving. COLL: BA 121. COMM: Wallace, 1986, p. 76.


Courtesy of theĀ Berkshire Athenaeum, licensed underĀ CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.