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Melville's Print Collection Online: A Pictorial Fusion of his Mind and Vision
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Contents of Print Catalog
Herman Melville as Print Collector
Guide to Use of Catalog
CH 1 Ancient Greece and Near East
CH 2 Ancient Rome to Modern Italy
CH 3 Three Centuries of French Painting
CH 4 Flemish and Dutch Masters
Melville Book Boxes
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Chapter 1 -- Ancient Greece and Near East
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Chapter 1 -- Ancient Greece and Near East
IIIF Collection Metadata
Collection Items
(CAT 1) -- John Chapman. Persian and Greek Medals
(CAT 2) -- Réveil after Flaxman. L'Aurore parait les Grecs livrent la bataille de Salamine
(INT Flaxman's Aeschylus; Fig. 1.) -- Front Cover of Melville’s Copy of Flaxman’s Aeschylus, The Persians
(CAT 3) -- Réveil after Flaxman. La Reine Atossa voit en songe Xercès renversé de son char par l’Ionie qu’il y avait atelée avec la Perse
(CAT 4) -- Réveil after Flaxman. Les Perses vaincus par les Grecs
(CAT 5) -- Réveil after Flaxman. L'Asie vaincue
(CAT 6) -- George Cooke. Homer
(CAT 7) -- George Cooke. Sophocles
(CAT 8) -- George Cooke. Pericles
(CAT 9) -- George Cooke. Alcibiades
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