(CAT 179) -- Lillot after Charles Monginot. Le Paon Revestu.

CAT 179 Lillot aftr Monginot Le Paon Revestu Salon 1879 L'Art BA 207.jpg

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(CAT 179) -- Lillot after Charles Monginot. Le Paon Revestu.

Print Identification

CAT 179  Engraved by Lillot after drawing by Charles Monginot after his own painting, Le Paon Revestu. In “La Peinture au Salon de Paris, 1879,” L’Art 5 (vol. 17, pt. 2) 1879: 191. 

9 x 6 in. Etching. COLL: BA 207. COMM: Wallace, 1986, p. 191.


Courtesy of the Berkshire Athenaeum, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0