Dublin Core
(CAT 170) -- Frédéric Martens after Ambroise-Louis Garneray. Sperm Whaling Scene (Pêche du Cachalot. Cachelot Fishery)
Print Identification
CAT 170. [Frédéric Martens after Ambroise-Louis Garneray. Sperm Whaling Scene (Pêche du Cachalot. Cachelot Fishery). Paris: 1834.]
23 1/2 x 32 inches. Aquatint. Probably framed. COLL: location unknown. COMM: Elizabeth Shaw Melville 176; Frances Osborne 184; Frank, pp. 71-74, fig. 60; Parker 1997, 1: 42.
Courtesy of the New Bedford Whaling Museum