(MBB 3.2 Fig. 2) -- Claude Lorrain, Dance by the River Side, etching no. 6


Dublin Core


(MBB 3.2 Fig. 2) -- Claude Lorrain, Dance by the River Side, etching no. 6

Image Identification

Claude Lorrain, Dance by the River Side, etching no. 6, Appendix D, reproduced facing page 26 of Melville’s copy of Dullea’s Claude Gellée Le Lorrain. New York: Scribner and Welford, 1877 (Sealts no. 192).


All figures in MBB 3.2 are study photos from a facsimile edition of Dullea; we plan to substitute images from Melville’s personal copy of the book at the Houghton Library.