(MBB 3.1) -- Reproduction of Claude’s etching Sunrise in Melville’s copy of Georges Duplessis, The Wonders of Engraving

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(MBB 3.1) -- Reproduction of Claude’s etching Sunrise in Melville’s copy of Georges Duplessis, The Wonders of Engraving

Image Identification

MBB 3.1. Reproduction of Claude’s etching Sunrise facing, reproduced by Autotype as fig. 26 on page 250 in Melville’s copy of Georges Duplessis, The Wonders of Engraving. London: Low and Marston, 1871. Harvard University, GEN *AC85 M4977 Zz887d (Sealts no. 195).

COMM: Wallace 1995, fig. 5, p. 21.


Courtesy of Houghton Library, Harvard University.